Thursday, October 28, 2010

ARM9 DevBrd - Mini2440 from FriendlyARM

This is a new devbrd which i got from FriendlyARM, having S3c2440 ARM9 Processor from Samsung, 1GB NAND Flash, 3.5 inch diagnl TFT screen, USB host, SD card interface, Audio Out, RTC and many more features...capable of running WinCE, Linux 2.6.3 , Android, etc....

This board is highly recommended if you wish to learn RTOS or Embedded Linux/WinCE.
All you need is a windows or linux computer and you can get started.
There are a lot of Projects you can do with this board other than learning RTOS, like-
1) Autonomous Robot with Image Processing
2) Mini Pdf/doc Reader
3) Mini gaming console (with your own games!)
4) GPIO projects.
....and many more
I got this board from at a price of INR 8800/- + shipping.....
currently i am developing modules for the linux kernel so that it can be used for controling an autonomous robot...

3DOF Robotic ARM (using PWM Servo) computer controlled

2.5 DOF Multipurpose Computer controlled Machine

This is my college Major project which won First prize at PEC-Open House 2010. Me and my pals (Aseem Grover, Eshesh Gupta, Manik Malhotra and Vineet Kumar) worked on this project for 4months, developing the entire Mechanical and Electronics Hardware from scratch and the VB6 code to run the machine.
The concept was to develop a machine run by High Torque Stepper Motors ( which will turn the lead screws, moving the platform forward) controlled by a Microcontroller (ATMega32) which will be interfaced with the computer (running VB6 code) taking values from the user to run the machine accordingly.

Graphics LCD Interfacing